Colas has operated in South Africa for over 90 years and boasts extensive experience and know-how in transport infrastructure projects, with tailor-made solutions for Africa.
Colas offers a range of products and services to support flexible pavement needs during its life cycle. Our construction and maintenance services include binder delivery, asphalt milling and paving, chip and spray sealing, micro-surfacing, in-situ recycling, enrichment treatments, crack sealing and line marking. Our support services range from slurry mix and chip seal design to testing of materials. Colas has the capability to manage surfacing construction projects, long-term maintenance and asset management contracts.
Our integrated operations help us to maintain and deliver the highest standards of quality throughout the value chain. The company’s ISO 9001 certification means our customers are assured of a consistent level of quality at all our production facilities.
Our Level 1 B-BBEE contributor status evidences the spirit in which Colas contributes actively to empowerment and transformation, with the organisation’s practices having been designed to facilitate meaningful and lasting positive change. We are currently actively involved in several programmes aimed at the upliftment and support of black small and medium-sized companies.
Colas is committed to guaranteeing the success of your projects, both upstream and downstream.